
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Domain Query: Smart Question Day, Pt 2
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Friend and LRFotS JohnC911 had a very interesting follow-up to Episode 100 of the main Didactic Mind podcast on a related but separate topic:
Didactic I do have a question and it relates to the immigration into the west from countries like India and the Middle East.When major problems of the west start to happen and living in the west becomes unbearable for many of the non Europeans, how will the countries that receive them be affected?
I am thinking for example such as Arabs that were brought up in the west returning to countries such as Saudi Arabia, Indians returning to India from the west.
Would the western liberal influence infected the countries or the opposite? Would there be religious and ideological problems cause?
I answer this question by breaking it up into two parts with two subsections each. Essentially, I take the view that the wealthy and internationally mobile elite immigrants will return to their old countries, and will bring with them some of the GloboHomoPaedo disease. Those not capable of moving, will stay in the West, and become ever more radicalised and angry and difficult. There will be inevitable reactions and pushbacks against both types. I go into the details at some length in this podcast.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Other VPN options for you include Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN, and Goose VPN, both of which offer excellent services for a very compelling price;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Domain Query: Smart Question Day
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
LRFotS Randale6 and I had a long conversation via email on a number of topics, stemming from his idea that someone like me should start up a successor site to the old Return of Kings platform. He mentioned that I had said something along these lines in the past, which I do vaguely recall doing at some point, I just can't remember exactly when or where. From there, he asked why Roosh had become such a fanatic and a hardliner, and lost his sense of humour. I pointed out that this is a direct consequence of Roosh's personality, which shows a strong tendency to go to extremes too easily, and that we shouldn't be too judgemental about him, because even someone like me would be considered "fundamentalist" by most normies.
Randale6 stated that he has a hard time believing in any religion or ideology precisely because of the hardliners, as he perceives Roosh to be. But it seemed to me that, given his lack of overt hostility to Christianity and Christ, he had a number of questions on the subjects of religion, faith, and Christianity, and I invited him to ask me anything he might like on these subjects.
Here is the list of questions that our friend wants answered (slightly edited for spelling and capitalisations, but otherwise exactly as sent to me):
How does one reconcile Man's free will with God's omniscience?
What is your thinking on the Masons/Deists and their various offshoots (most prominent being the Mormons)?
Is Heaven any better than Hell? (To be honest with you, adoring God for all eternity kind of sounds like a mental Hell to me…)
Why is the Bible so scant on descriptions of Heaven? (Islam by contrast tells you explicitly what your getting, sounds like one of the best afterlives I've ever heard of…at least if we go by the 72 houri version)
What is the fate of those souls Christian missionaries never reached? (e.g the Native Americans pre-Columbus, the Chinese pre-Marco Polo would be another example)
Why does Christianity cuck so readily? (Particularly when compared to its heretical child known as Islam, which for all its faults seems to understand that some behaviors should just not be tolerated.)
Must a Christian truly forgive all sins against him or can he put to the sword those who have gravely wronged him, his family and his people? (e.g were the actions of someone like say Vlad the Impaler justified given the threats and trespasses of the Ottomans against him and his kingdom)
This is a very comprehensive and important set of questions, and I am very pleased to have an opportunity to answer them. I did my best to do so in a manner that is both informative and precise, but inevitably, since I'm only human, I'm sure I got a few things wrong. As such, I welcome my wiser and more informed Christian brothers to provide their comments and views on what I have said, in the chat.
Reading List
Here are a few of the books and references that I discussed in the podcast, plus a few others that I think make for very useful additional reading:
The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day
The Unseen Realm by Dr. Michael Heiser
The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran by Christoph Luxenberg
The Critical Quran by Dr. Robert Spencer
Did Mohammed Exist? (Revised & Expanded Edition) by Dr. Robert Spencer
Mohammed and Charlemagne Revisited by Emmet Scott
The Impact of Islam by Emmet Scott
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Other VPN options for you include Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN, and Goose VPN, both of which offer excellent services for a very compelling price;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Domain Query: Whither Mother Russia?
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
The Domain Query series is back with another interesting question from a reader, which I figured deserved a proper and thoughtful answer. This is probably my longest Domain Query episode yet, and I probably do get a bit carried away in my enthusiasm for the topic, but it is an important subject and an interesting one.
New reader Baltbuc sent me the following query via the email form on my site:
Hi Didact,
I found you linked up on the normalamerican news feed. You have a top notch website and Telegram channel. This is a good article that discusses the problems that Russia faces against the Fake and Gay™ onslaught from America. Russia must be the beacon in the East that holds form and resists. Countries like Hungary show promise but frankly aren't all that important geopolitically. What do you think is the Russian future?
Put simply, I believe that Russia has a very bright future ahead of it, thanks to its immense reserves of mineral wealth, and its increasingly clear near-total victory over the GloboHomoPaedo forces that have tried, for thirty years, to break the country and bring it to its knees. Those forces have failed, thanks to the hard work and efforts of the Neo-Tsar. The Russian yoot are, in view, the great hope for the future - they are turning HARD away from GloboHomoPaedo, and are rapidly rediscovering love for their Motherland and for the promise that it holds.
There are two significant problems that Russia must address. The first is its birth rate, which remains far too low to promote social growth and stability. The second is the proper distribution of its mineral wealth. Both problems are entirely solvable, though they are also interconnected and cannot be separated. I believe that the Russian people will figure them out over time, and I believe that Russia might just turn its demographics around fairly quickly if it acts in a sensible and well-thought-out fashion.
Be sure to check out Episode 100 of the main Didactic Mind podcast as well, in which I go into greater detail about the economic potential of Russia and how it will evolve over time.
As always, be sure to like, comment, share, and subscribe to both the site and the podcast, and don't forget to join my Telegram channel as well.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Other VPN options for you include Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN, and Goose VPN, both of which offer excellent services for a very compelling price;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Didactic Mind, Ep 100: The Eurasian Century
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
The 100th episode of the podcast is finally here! I actually had the time to sit down and record this whole thing, and it is quite long, clocking in at close to 88 minutes. It took me a while to get around to making this episode, simply because I wanted to find an actual guest, but ended up being both too lazy AND too busy, with a variety of other things, to figure out whom I wanted to invite. I hope to be able to invite guests onto the podcast for later episodes, but we shall see how things go.
In the meantime, this very special 100th episode consists of looking back at how the Western powers managed to squander their opportunities so completely and thoroughly, how they managed to create such a colossal mess out of their economies, and where and how the Eurasian powers - Russia, China, and India - will be able to supplant them. I also examine the great weaknesses of these countries, which are real and substantial, and explore how they will prevent these great nations from reaching their full economic power and potential in the coming years.
Overall, I believe that we shall see a secular shift of power away from the over-indebted, over-extended, rapidly deteriorating Western economies, which have played out their usefulness and their power games, toward countries that produce real things using real inputs, not merely making money from money.
Reading List
Be sure to bookmark and check out these excellent sites, channels, and blogs to get more commentary and different points of view on the topics that I have raised here:
The Duran
Alexander Mercouris
Alex Christoforou
Andrei Martyanov's blog and YouTube channel
The Saker blog
Redacted News
Larry Johnson
Moon of Alabama
Jacob Dreizin's site and YouTube channel
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Other VPN options for you include Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN, and Goose VPN, both of which offer excellent services for a very compelling price;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Saturday May 21, 2022
Domain Query: Outside In
Saturday May 21, 2022
Saturday May 21, 2022
LRFotS Randale6 had an interesting and detailed set of questions for me about being a "stranger in a strange land", as it were, when looking at where to go, where to live, and how to adapt to a foreign culture after getting the hell out of the dying and degenerate Western world. There are several questions in this set, which I answered in order, more or less, and at length:
Better off an outsider in Asia then a White man in America?
Looking at the way things are going I'm also going through the process of getting a degree, thankfully on a vastly decreased timetable owing to degree hacking (thank you degreeforum.net). The plan is simply to go teach English in Asia and either go through a cheap Master's in ESL to teach at the university level or found my own school/study room.
As for what is making me leave rather then stay for the fight in the USA, I will be honest, I prefer to live life on easy street...and not having to play divorce roulette in the USA. It is easier to have a family when you live somewhere that actually gives a damn about the institution.
Judging from your writings you have been an outsider for the majority of your life, what have your experiences as an outsider been like? Particularly within the context of East Asia and Southeast Asia?
So here's a podcast in which I answer all of these questions. With respect to the specific idea that I raised toward the end of this episode, here is one possible place to apply for teaching positions at an international school. I think that is one way to get the best of both local (South-)East Asian cultures and one's own roots.
As always, like, comment, share, and subscribe. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the Didactic Mind Telegram channel! Members also get daily voice message updates from me, and can interact with me directly via the comments to various posts.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Other VPN options for you include Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN, and Goose VPN, both of which offer excellent services for a very compelling price;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Domain Query: History often rhymes
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
A subscriber to my private (as in, not publicly visible or searchable) Telegram channel - join up if you haven't already, all the cool kids are there, to include my friend and fellow shitlord, Last Redoubt - had a very interesting comment to offer in response to my daily voice message updates. These are updates that I give the readers and subscribers (almost) every day, unless I'm in a particularly tired, lazy, or grumpy mood. (The latter happens even more often than one might think, actually.) In them, I offer up some thoughts about the latest developments in geopolitics and news, though at the present time, most of what I have to say concerns the Banderastan War.
Yesterday's voice message update started out talking about May 9th, which for the Russians is basically a sacred day of reflection and celebration of their victory in the Great Patriotic War. Here is what subscriber R T had to say on the subject:
History has a sense of irony. As someone born in a former communist country I remember celebrations of May 9 where Americans could not be mentioned although everybody knew they liberated western part of the country up to Pilsen and perhaps could reach Prague but were not allowed by political decision. Today western leftists are busy to cancel the Russians.
It is not to say we had no love for our Russian liberators. I remember my grandfather telling a story about him walking with Soviet soldier looking for Germans that were hiding in apartments. Once my grandpa, a young boy back then, opened door of an apartment and was welcomed by a bullet. Fortunately, the German guy missed and the Russian shot him dead. Only after the Communists came to power we started to hate Russians.
Another historical irony is, although more hated, fascism is probably better than communism. Right wing governments tend to rule their countries better and our historical experience is there were less casualties during Nazi period than during Bolshevik rule.
Last but not least, I consider likely the Suvorov's theory that the German operation Barbarossa in fact saved Europe from communism as Stalin was prepared to flood Europe with his own troops and the Germans caught him by surprise with their Drang nach Osten. It's not to diminish heroism of Russian people during the war just to point out that history is a little bit more complicated and Russian understanding of it stinks of propaganda, partly at least.
This is a very important set of points, and I agree strongly with all of them. I expand upon them in the latest entry into the Domain Query series, as given here.
Don't forget to subscribe to the Didactic Mind Telegram channel! Members also get daily voice message updates from me, and can interact with me directly via the comments to various posts.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Other VPN options for you include Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN, and Goose VPN, both of which offer excellent services for a very compelling price;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Didactic Mind, Ep 99: The Time of Renewal
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Happy Easter, brothers! Christ our King is Risen indeed! This week's podcast concerns the nature of the Word, and how we should treat Easter as a time of renewal within our lives. I go over the ways in which the Scriptures can affect each and every one of us, and how going over them, and putting ourselves into the stories that they tell, can help them speak to us. Let the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus Christ renew and strengthen you in these dark times, for His story is universal, undying, and quite simply true.
Don't forget to subscribe to the Didactic Mind Telegram channel! We have 117 subscribers already. Channel members also get daily voice message updates from me, and can interact with me directly via the comments to various posts.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Other VPN options for you include Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN, and Goose VPN, both of which offer excellent services for a very compelling price;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Domain Query: The Great Dictator
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
I got an interesting query from LRFotS Randale6, asking about what kind of dictatorship we can expect in America. It's pretty obvious that the USSA is, indeed, headed straight toward dictatorship of some kind, but the precise kind is hard to figure out. Here's his question in full:
Periods of extreme leftism and subversion (at least in Europe) have previously heralded the rise of such figures as Hitler, Mussolini and Franco. Given that the USA is currently undergoing leftism far worse then anything Germany, Italy or Spain went through where exactly is our dictator and are we going to be unlucky and get a Hitler or lucky and get a Franco (or just be stuck with Mussolini, who to be fair wasn't initially an idiot).
I break this down by looking at the three phases of government - rule by one, rule by few, rule by many. I point out that there really isn't a parallel at any time in human history for what the USSA is doing to itself right now - we've never seen THIS level of decadence, corruption, evil, sleaze, and indebtedness before. I then point out that, based on the video evidence from that White House do from a few days back, where the Fake President wandered around like a doddering old grandpa that no one wanted to talk to, I reckon that Obarmy is going to be the next great power behind the throne.
In my view, the most likely scenario is that the Daemoncrats will take an absolute thumping in the midterms, and then use that as an excuse to jettison Fake President Greenscreen McNappyFace so that he can go do battle with Corn Pop in his retirement home while he drools into his oatmeal.
Obama's power base will then displace the Clinton Faction and install Cameltoad Harris as the next Fake President. Remember that Cameltoad has no power base of her own - EVERYONE hates her. So she will be completely subservient to Obarmy. And his narcissism and vanity will not permit any rivals for power.
His tyrannical rule will almost certainly be along the lines of a Hitler, Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot - he is a globalist and a Pharisatanist to the core. And he absolutely will overreach. He will become the Left's version of Lincoln. Eventually, this will lead to the chaotic breakup of the USSA along familial and territorial lines, into at least two and as many as four countries, in an orgy of blood and fire that will make the Rwanda Genocide look tame by comparison.
That, of course, is nothing more than my view and my prediction. I would love to be wrong about ALL of this. But I suspect that at least some of it will be spot on - unfortunately.

Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Didactic Mind, Ep 98: The Mirror War
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
This week's episode is about how the turmoil and madness that we see in the physical world, mirrors the Great War between Heaven and Hell. I discuss how the concerted, extremely over the top, push-back against nationalist leaders and peoples in Russia, China, and now Hungary and Serbia, is a straightforward manifestation of spiritual evil that dates back to BEFORE the Flood (no, not the HALO kind, the Book of Genesis kind). Looking back at history, Scripture, and Biblical exegesis courtesy of Dr. Michael Heiser, I explain the manner in which the powers and principalities of Hell manifest themselves into our world and influence us. I close with a call to prayer and spiritual arms, to fortify ourselves to fight for the truth, which operates like a relentless, unstoppable battering ram against evil that confronts us.
Make sure you signup to my Telegram channel, where you can join a great community of readers and commenters, and interact with me directly - I also do a daily update by voice message just for my subscribers;
Live updates from the front lines in Ukraine through the Intel Slava Z and Counter Intelligence Global Telegram channels;
Dr. Michael Heiser on the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim, and much more;
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Other VPN options for you include Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN, and Goose VPN, both of which offer excellent services for a very compelling price;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Didactic Mind, Ep 97: Thirty Days that Shook the World
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
In this latest episode of the podcast, I analyse the current geopolitical situation by starting with the Russian strategy in the special military operation (or invasion - take your pick) in Ukraine. I talk about the misconceptions and outright lies told by Western analysts and presstitutes about the war and the way it is going, and point out that the way the Russians are fighting is fundamentally and completely different from what the West expects, because the Russians think and act very differently about war than the West does. I then zoom out and look at the broader macroeconomic and political picture, and note that the Russians, Chinese, Indians, and Saudis have now effected an economic and political encirclement of the Western world. Sanctions against Russia have failed, catastrophically and almost completely. China now knows what it needs to do in order to break the Western hegemony. The petrodollar is in danger of outright collapse. And all of this leads to a complete reshaping of the world order in the next few years. It's going to be a wild and bumpy ride, so buckle up, lads.
My Telegram channel
Live updates from the front lines in Ukraine through the Intel Slava Z and Counter Intelligence Global Telegram channels;
My article on Russian military strategy that got quite a bit of attention;
Alexander Mercouris
Andrei Martyanov
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
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