
Sunday May 16, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 79: The Izzlamic Dance
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
This week's podcast is quite a bit longer than usual, because it goes DEEP into the subject of historical criticism of Islam. I unpack much of the latest evidence that we have about the very obscure origins of Islam. Following the data and evidence that Dr. Jay Smith from Pfander Films has collected, I unpack the issue of Islam's origins through 5 specific polemical lines of attack - as he calls them, the 5 Qs:
The Qiblas;
The Qira'ats;
The Qur'an;
The Coins;
The Quest for Muhammad;
There is a HUGE amount to explore here, and I've barely scratched the surface. For the full details, check out the previous podcasts, readings, and links down below.
Further Reading From My Site
Of questionable origins - my seminal post on the subject of Islam's starting story, though much of that information is now out-of-date;
The unsupportable heresy - where I take apart the Standard Islamic Narrative based on the evidence uncovered in 2020;
Previous Podcasts on Islam
Didactic Mind, Ep 43: One Man, One Book, Pt 1;
Didactic Mind, Ep 44: One Man, One Book, Pt 2;
Didactic Mind, Ep 47: The Nameless One;
Domain Query: The Missing Arab Armies;
Didactic Mind, Ep 59: Burning Books and Burning Truths;
Book References
The Impact of Islam by Emmet Scott;
Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam's Obscure Origins―Revised and Expanded Edition by Dr. Robert Spencer;
Corrections in Early Qurʾān Manuscripts: Twenty Examples by Dr. Daniel Alan Brubaker;
Transmission of the Variant Readings of the Qur'an by Dr. Shady Hekmat Nasser;;
Early Islamic Qiblas: A survey of mosques built between 1AH/622 C.E. and 263 AH/876 C.E. by Dan Gibson;
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
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Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Sunday May 09, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 78: How to Start Your Own Heresy
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
We're back this week with a new episode of Didactic Mind, after a week off. Today I discuss the ways in which questioning the standard "Narrative" will get you labelled as a heretic, and why that is no bad thing. I talk about how many of the narratives that we take for granted are, in fact, absolute lies, and I discuss ways in which you can unpack those lies and get to the truth.
Laurent Guyenot's article about Viktor Suvorov's revisionist take on Operation BARBAROSSA;
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
If you want something a bit simpler with fewer bells and whistles, subscribe to GooseVPN here;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 77: The Forge of Vulcan
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Today I wax philosophical again about the nature of our tests and the reasons why we are tested to, and often beyond, our breaking points. I go through Biblical prophets from the Old Testament and examine how they were tested and broken, in order to do what God needed them to do. (I didn't have time to get to the Big Cheese Himself - probably should have arranged things a bit better there.) I weave in a bunch of Greek mythology about the forge-god Hephaestus (or Vulcan, for brevity's sake), and explain the process of forging that God uses to turn men into weapons. And I conclude with some brotherly advice and some exhortations for the men among us to do what is necessary in order to short-circuit that process of pain and suffering.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
If you want something a bit simpler with fewer bells and whistles, subscribe to GooseVPN here;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;
Groom yourself properly with tips and advice from Superb Shaving;

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 76: War Games
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
This week's episode is all about game theory and its profound and powerful application to politics. I use the lens of game-theoretic understanding to provide insights into why the Right keeps losing against the Left. As I point out in the podcast, the reason is basically because we of the Right refuse to act in accordance with optimal and sensible strategies for beating the Left and maximising our own gains. Cuckservatives do so consistently and constantly because they are terrified of being called "-ists" and "-phobes" of any kind. This leads them to act in ways that consistently favour the Left. Once you understand these patterns of behaviour, and you know what to look for, you can find ways of overwhelming the Left's formidable intelligence, cunning, and fighting skill through stratagems and methods designed specifically to wipe out their defences.
Learn and understand some basic game theory, and you will prosper significantly.
Further Reading
A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar;
Prisoner's Dilemma in game theory;
The game-theoretic ideas behind Massive (or Mutually) Assured Destruction;
Video References
Simple video tutorials explaining the basics of game theory;
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
If you want something a bit simpler with fewer bells and whistles, subscribe to GooseVPN here;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 75: The Evil That Men Do
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
In this week's episode, I talk about the strange and terrible power of real, material, physical evil, and its lasting effect on all of us. I explain why it has such power and how its power persists for so long - and why and how it fails, each and every time. And I examine the ways in which we can all stand up against evil. This is probably one of my more unusual podcasts, in that I pull in references from all over the shop - Stranger Things, books, movies, history, and so on. But I had a lot of fun talking through it, and I hope you enjoy it as well.
Video References
Marlon Brando and Charlton Heston doing their versions of Mark Antony's speech
Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus
The Death of Stalin
In the Face of Evil: Reagan's War in Word and Deed
Dr. Michael Heiser on Stranger Things and the nature of evil
Further Reading
Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives by Allan Bullock
Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World by Patrick J. Buchanan
Reading about the Holodomor or "Great Hunger" in Ukraine
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
If you want something a bit simpler with fewer bells and whistles, subscribe to GooseVPN here;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;

Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 74: Risen in Glory
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
Sunday Apr 04, 2021
A very happy and peaceful Easter to you all, my brothers and sisters in Christ. This week's podcast is all about tying the veracity and historicity of the New Testament together with the Old, to show us how we can be confident that Jesus Christ our Lord was indeed who He said He was. I look at the historical narratives given in the Book of Acts, the Gospel of Luke, the Gospel of John, and other parts of the New Testament, and tie them back to the narratives of Exodus and Genesis. I make particular reference to a film that I cannot recommend highly enough. And I conclude by offering some advice to those struggling with that very last, and scariest, step into the Christian faith.
Video References
Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus
Is Genesis History?
Further Reading
The Amarna letters and Abraham's historicity;
Finding the Ur of Abraham;
The Nuzi and Marr tablets that give significant weight to the Mosaic accounts in Genesis and Exodus;
The Merneptah Stele that corroborates the Biblical story of Exodus and lines it up with historical fact;
The Tel Dan Stele, which gives the first known reference to King David;
Further historical evidence that supports the Biblical narrative;
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
If you want something a bit simpler with fewer bells and whistles, subscribe to GooseVPN here;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 73: The Good, the Beautiful, and the True
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
This week's episode, on Palm Sunday, is all about pointing oneself toward the three things that ultimately lead to a happier, simpler, and fulfilled life. In other words, this is all about refusing to bend the knee before the lies of this world, and instead look at the truths that go far beyond it. In the process, I talk about some of the greatest lies that have afflicted us, such as the literally Satanic evil of Communism, and the great lies that sustained that evil ideology. And I talk about how you can begin to untangle yourself from the lies of a broken and Fallen world, and instead look to the world as it was meant to be - not as humans imagine it, but as the Divine sees it.
Book References
Reagan’s War: The Epic Story of his Forty Year Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism by Peter Schweizer;
A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles by Thomas Sowell
The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy by Thomas Sowell
Video References
In the Face of Evil – the film version of Reagan’s War, produced by Steve Bannon and others;
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
If you want something a bit simpler with fewer bells and whistles, subscribe to GooseVPN here;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Domain Query: Truth and Reconciliation
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
I received a very interesting question from reader Sean, which went as follows:
I'm a new reader on your blog. I'm interested in your views on Christianity, religion, faith, and atheism as I'm currently mired in sorting those things out for myself. It seems from old posts (ca. 2013) you had at least rejected atheism, recognized a Higher Power, and held to a certain faith. In more recent posts, it seems your faith has evolved over the years. I'd be interested to hear you describe how your thinking has changed over the years or what it is now. Maybe you could point me to particular posts that lay out your thoughts?
That's exactly the kind of question that I enjoy answering. So I took a shot at it. In hindsight, I probably should have split this into two pieces, as "only" the first 20min or thereabouts talks about my experience. The second half of the podcast concerns arguments and apologetics designed to point atheists and non-believers toward the truth.
I've also included a bunch of references to help Sean and others like him walk the road that I had to - though hopefully with a bit more clarity and a lot less meandering than I did.
Book References
The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, And Hitchens by OBADSDL(PBUH) Vox Day
Mere Christianity by Clive Staples Lewis
I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist by Dr. Norman Geisler & Dr. Frank Turek
The Screwtape Letters by Clive Staples Lewis
Reagan's War: The Epic Story of his Forty Year Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism by Peter Schweizer
Liar, Lunatic, Lord: The Gospel of John as the greatest evidence for (or against) Jesus' claim to be I AM WHO I AM by Eric Deadwyler
The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity by Lee Strobel
The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus by Lee Strobel
Video References
Patterns of Evidence: Exodus;
In the Face of Evil - the film version of Reagan's War, produced by Steve Bannon and others, an absolute MUST-WATCH film
The Case for Faith
The Case for Christ
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
If you want something a bit simpler with fewer bells and whistles, subscribe to GooseVPN here;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 72: Rabbits and Wolves
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
This week's podcast is all about r/K selection theory and its ramifications for politics, social trust, and national development. I provide a brief overview of the theory, explain its application to politics through the lens of Anonymous Conservative's superb book, and provide an analysis of the current crises wracking the Western and Asian worlds through the heuristic application of the theory.
Remember to like, comment, share, and subscribe to the mailing list and to the Podbean podcasts!
Book References
The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics by Anonymous Conservative - available for FREE DOWNLOAD periodically if you subscribe to his mailing list;
The Last Centurion by John Ringo - aside from being a brilliant book, it is also a superb political tract with a hell of a lot of great research behind it;
STARSHIP TROOPERS by Robert A. Heinlein - this is a 268-page civics textbook wrapped inside the greatest military science fiction novel of all time;
Here is the Infogalactic article that explains the theory;
Video References
The Triggernometry interview with Calvin Robinson that is well worth watching in full;
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
If you want something a bit simpler with fewer bells and whistles, subscribe to GooseVPN here;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;

Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 71:Inconvenient Truths
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
This week's episode is all about things that we wish were not true, but are. I examine the basic realities of irreducible differences between and among groups. I also talk about some of the historical inaccuracies that we have had to deal with for decades, such as who was really responsible for enslaving millions of people, and why the conquistadores really behaved so horribly in Mesoamerica. And I close with the biggest inconvenient truth of them all - that Jesus is Lord, and that He really did die for our sins.
Make sure to like, comment, share, and subscribe either on Podbean, or to my mailing list. If you’d like to support my work or toss a few shekels my way, head on over to here where you can send me cryptocurrency so that I can keep doing this stuff.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
As I keep telling everyone with sense enough to listen, you MUST take steps to protect yourself from the Big Tech companies. Start here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 81% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark, the best-value VPN client out there today;
If you want something a bit simpler with fewer bells and whistles, subscribe to GooseVPN here;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Video References
Trevor Phillips, former "equality czar" under the Blair government, on some of the truths that make us all deeply uncomfortable;
Book References
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life by Charles F. Murray and Richard Herrnstein
'White Girl Bleed A Lot': The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It by Colin Flaherty
The Last Centurion by John Ringo
Jordanetics: A Journey Into the Mind of Humanity's Greatest Thinker by OBADSDL(PBUH) Vox Day
Other References
'Black Lives MAFFer'
IQ by Country
The Cisco employee discrimination case