
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Domain Query: Uncanny Valley
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
The Domain Query series is finally back, with a new instalment, thanks to LRFotS Randale6. He had an unusual and rather interesting question for me, related to gaming, which I answered at some length here. The question goes as follows:
Departing from our usual fare I have one question: have we reached "good enough graphics" for gaming? What I mean by this question is have we reached the point in gaming where making your game the most graphically advanced (and ram chugging) wunderwaffen is even necessary to attract gamers?
For what I would consider the "base" where I started to see this occur in my mind I am bringing up a mass effect 3 (2012 release date) gameplay video. I never played any halo games but from research halo 4 was release in the same year as mass effect 3, so it should make a good comparison to mass effect 3 (I don't believe you have played any mass effect games from what I can recollect).
Here is the gameplay video our boy mentioned.
It is a rather good question. In my personal view, graphics have plateaued - they haven't peaked yet, but they aren't really improving at the speed and levels that would tempt people to buy those games en masse. I think gaming will move back toward the things that make people actually fork out cash, by going back to the basics, because the obsession with having the most whiz-bang wowser graphics has resulted in serious deterioration of core gameplay mechanics, story, and character.
Of course, my views on gaming are positively archaic by modern standards, so I invite anyone who thinks differently, to comment below. Have at it, lads.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Sunday May 07, 2023
Domain Query: Ask Didact Anything Day #2
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Gentlemen! We just concluded another round of Ask Didact Anything Day on my Telegram channel, which is your chance as a member of the community (such as it is) to ask questions to yer very 'eavy, very 'umble Warrior-Servant. We got a really good battery of questions in for today's podcast, and I was very pleased to take some time to answer them all:
Dan: Which European country is in the worst shape socially and economically? And which would you expect to see collapse first?
SupremeCannon: Progozhin said there were other PMC's operating alongside Wagner. (Gazprom has a PMC?! Shoigu has a PMC?!) Is Russia really that freewheeling, militarily speaking?
WB: Can I borrow a dollar?
AK: When people are willingly rushing towards their demise and moral decay is this a sign of the coming dark ages? To clarify further: I understand that we had difficult times in the past because people were misinformed, but is this the time that St. Anthony prophesized? The masses are not just misinformed. They truly convinced themselves that modern lunatic and satanic rules/practices coming from the elites, are good for them.
GW: Is the current round of US bank failures the beginning of the end of the US financial system, or will they be able to kick the can down the road a few more years?
Randale6: As I have been browsing the various forums available for international teachers I have noticed that certain countries and areas as being deemed "hardship" locations. Said locales are easier to get jobs at as they get less applicants and thus have to be a bit more open-minded. One of the areas mentioned is Central Asia (e.g Mongolia and all the stans) and I personally feel drawn to the old silk road. Do you have any experience of the Central Asian locales at all?
Dan: I see the Kombat Kats as well as plenty of dogs in your posts. Are you a cat or dog person and why?
I have to confess that I missed out on one question - which was kind of stupid, because it was literally the first one in the list, and somehow I managed to skip over it entirely. I will address that one specifically in a voice message on my Telegram channel. Here's the question:
MK: Are there good Russian history media in English or do I have to get off my lazy butt and actually learn Russian?
Sorry, bro - will get back to you about this.
For everyone else - here is the podcast.
Reading List:
TFR rate sources:
CIA World Factbook
Queef Post's list of known Russian PMCs
Biography of St. Anthony the Great
Romans 1
Shadowstats CPI data
FRED 10s2s Spreads data
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Didactic Mind, Ep 110: Gods and Daemons
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Hail brothers and sisters - CHRIST IS RISEN! On this very special Easter Sunday podcast, I discuss the nether realm by weaving together the views of various Catholic exorcists (for whom I have tremendous respect), the late, great, and sorely missed Dr. Michael Heiser's work, and the elements of Scripture which pertain directly to the realities of that realm. I discuss how daemons are increasingly telling exorcists that they feel their time is coming, that something very BIG is on the way, and I talk about how God permits and uses their activities to help us purify ourselves, turn away from sin, and glorify Him through our own sanctification. I talk about the ways in which the worst excesses of Western civilisation are really a form of daemon-worship, and how the gods of many cultures are in fact daemonic entities in disguise. Finally, I talk about how the Resurrection is our ultimate bulwark against evil, for it fulfils God's promise to us and redeems us through the sacred blood of Christ our Lord.
There is a LOT packed into this episode, and you might have some questions coming off it, so be sure to reach out via the comments or direct emails if you wish - I might do a follow-up if there is sufficient demand.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Didactic Mind, Ep 109: Multipolar Mapping
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
The main Didactic Mind podcast is now back - two episodes in two weeks, which is something to celebrate, given how infrequent the podcasts have been of late. (Yes, I know - my fault entirely, mea culpa, etc. etc.) This week's episode is all about the unfolding multipolar world. I talk about some key economic indicators and what they mean for the Western economies. I discuss how American policies have forced countries around the world to de-dollarise - but, as I point out, this does NOT mean the USD will eventually be replaced outright by the RMB, simply because the Chinese yuan does not have enough "float" to do so, and because the Chinese have no desire whatsoever to be the world's reserve trading platform.
I go on to draw parallels between what we have seen in the past, with the collapse of empires, specifically the (western) Roman empire, and the current very obvious decline of the American empire. Then, I move on to point out what the world will look like, as a multipolar one based on regional trading blocs that work with each other, rather than constantly fighting wars against each other, instigated by the American Deep State. The podcast finishes with a reference to the Watchers and the spiritual war in which we find ourselves, with more to come in next week's Easter Sunday podcast.
As always, please remember to like, comment, share, and subscribe, and make sure you join my Telegram channel.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Domain Query: Gambler’s Ruin
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Comes a query from reader Ned, who asked a question that I should have answered more directly in my previous podcast. This one is all about whether or not the neoclowns currently driving the Western world over a cliff at roughly the speed of sound, have any capacity or inclination to back off and reconsider their literally suicidal strategery:
Do you think the global banking crisis will escalate the eastern European war, or do you think it will cause western neocons to pause and retreat?
The short answer is:
Not only NO, but F**K NO!!!
The somewhat longer answer is that, if you look at where neoclowns come from, who they are, what they have studied, and how they think, then you will quickly realise they have zero capacity for self-reflection, learning, and admitting mistakes. As a result, they are utterly incapable of backing off a failing strategy. Therefore, the global banking crisis will result in a redoubling of their efforts to destroy Russia through force of arms.
And it will fail - along with the Western banking system.
Many thanks to Ned for the question - feel free to ask any follow-ups as you see fit.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Didactic Mind, Ep 108: Dying of the Light
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
Sunday Mar 26, 2023
The main Didactic Mind podcast is FINALLY back with a new episode. This one is all about the very real and visible collapse of the American Empire, and the manner in which Amerikhastan is reacting to it. In this episode, I outline the tectonic shifts in geopolitics that we have seen in the past week, and explain some of their implications for the Western neoliberal empire. I point out that neither the Chinese nor the Russians are in the least bit interested in actual hegemony - instead, they are actually interested in simply being left the hell ALONE to pursue their own courses and development paths. I specifically discuss the failings of the neoliberal ideology of Clown World and GloboHomoPaedoSatanry, and I explain how the developing nations of the world are fighting and pushing back against it. And I note the implications for Westerners and their economies as a result of their own policies.
Of particular interest to me here is the rather odd Western notion that China seeks to supplant America as a global hegemon. This is simply untrue, and I explain why by pointing out some basic geopolitical realities of China's position in the world.
I close by noting that Western neoliberal failures have compounded to the point where they simply cannot sustain themselves any longer, and the "turbo-Americanism" of the West is going to fail, no matter what.
There will be a Domain Query episode coming up as well, as there is a question from a reader which I did not fully address in this one.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Domain Query: Ask Didact Anything Day
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
The Domain Query series is FINALLY back, with a long episode that deals with a wide range of reader questions. These come from my Telegram channel, the site, and emails from readers. I would like to thank everyone who wrote in and asked questions - I very much appreciate it, and I do apologise for the lengthy delays in getting around to answering these. The questions are as follows:
MK: With a hearty Guten Tag from the salty liverwurst-reich, I humbly request your advice on the following: how does one get into the WH40K and Halo universes? I've only seen the Helsreach movie for 40K, and nothing for Halo. However, I would like to at least know what various references mean.
MK: How badly screwed are Western Europe's industries? Will they revert to the stone age as predicted by Martyanov or just recede a little bit in the parts that won't join Russia's orbit?
WB: What is the overall 'boots on the ground' economy really like in Britain now?
GW: Given that China is one of the biggest holders of US treasury bonds and dollars, how much influence does that give them over the US economy and government? What happens to China’s holdings if there is a war between the two countries?
Dan: How will the American Deep State react when it becomes apparent that Ukraine has lost, and lost badly. Do you think they pretend it didn't happen, pivot to China, or escalate with Russia?
Dan: Assuming things ever calm down, and a European or American can visit Russia, what is your advice? I assume St Petersburg should be the priority? Are Russians friendly, at least compared to the French?
James: Somewhat unrelated to the SMO, although definitely part of the JWO agenda. Are Russians dying from "suddenly" and "unexpectedly" like so many young and otherwise healthy people are in the "West?" Is Sputnik the killer that Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and Astra Zeneca are?
Dark: “Go lookup the history of Ukrainian nationalism, and the abominable way in which the Ukrainians handled their own infrastructure and economic gifts left over from the USSR, and you will quickly realise that perhaps no country in history has ever squandered so much, so quickly, in the name of so little.” This is a topic of interest, can you give me a starter pack?
As always, please remember to like, comment, share, and especially subscribe, so you never miss a new episode, and feel free to let me know if you have follow-up questions in the comments, via email, or through Telegram.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Didactic Mind, Ep 107: Here to Crush
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
HAPPY NEW YEAR, brothers and sisters! May the peace and blessings of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you and your families and loved ones in 2023, and may we march ahead into the coming year armed with faith, hope, and above all, love. Hard times are surely ahead - but God is surely with us, and with Him on our side, nothing is impossible.
Before I get into the contents of this very first podcast of 2023, let me take a moment to acknowledge an incredible milestone:
This is the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of the day I started writing as just some random blogger on teh innarwebz.
On January 1, 2013, I started up the old Didact's Reach site on Blogger, and kept that going for more than 7 years before I switched to a shared-hosting platform to get away from Goolag's control over my content. I started writing because the only alternative was to go crazy, since I had literally no other outlet for my increasing frustration and anger with the way the world was going.
So I decided that, instead of screaming into the void, I might as well do something about it, and start writing.
I never expected anyone to read my writing, much less follow it. Yet, here we are, 10 years later, and some of you have been reading my writing since very nearly Day 1.
I also never expected to create any kind of community around my writing or my site. Yet, here we are today, with a Didactic Mind podcast on Podbean, a Telegram channel, and an independent website, plus a couple of ancillary sites (which, admittedly, need some development and new content).
It's been a decade of growth and change for me personally, and many of you have been there for the journey. I have benefited immensely from putting in the time and effort to research my ideas and arguments, refining them down from inchoate masses of thoughts to useful contributions. Along the way, I have met and made friends that I never could have expected to run into otherwise.
So, from me to you, THANK YOU for your patronage and your time. I do not do this for popularity or views, but it is gratifying indeed to know that others find value in it.
As is the usual way of things with the first real post of the year, here are the site's statistics for 2022:
Total pageviews of 260K when you count both the old Blogger site and the current shared-hosting incarnation - down 3.6% from 2021's 270K, but not bad at all considering the lower output;
Total of 43,579 unique visitors across the entire year, up 16.5% compared to 2021;
Readers posted a total of 722 comments across 303 posts, down 12.5% and 8.7% respectively against 2021;
Posts averaged 1,803 words in length, up 3% compared to 2021;
So basically, a pretty decent year in most respects, despite lower overall output, helped along substantially by a few posts which attracted thousands of views rather than the usual hundreds.
The geographic distribution of my readership was pretty interesting too - take a look:
But that is not the end of the story, because the other media platforms also come into play:
The Didactic Mind podcast managed over 3,160 downloads across all of 2022, and hit over 6,000 downloads life-to-date on the Podbean platform;
The Didactic Mind Telegram channel went from zero to 139 subscribers in 2022 - which is nothing overall, but is decent for a private Telegram channel that can only be joined using an invitation link;
With all the stats out of the way, let us get on to the actual podcast itself, which goes into all of the above at a high level, and then goes into what I think the year ahead holds, and how we can prepare for it.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Didactic Mind, Ep 106: One Bright Star
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
Sunday Dec 25, 2022
The Didactic Mind podcast is back with a Christmas special! Happy Christmas to all of you, and may the Lord's blessings be with you, each and every one. Today I discuss the meaning of Christmas, in terms of the values of peace, joy, compassion, forgiveness, brotherhood, and love, and what it means to spread these things to others. I talk about how the Lord's birth as a humble man, born into this world in the most simple way possible, signifies God's boundless love for us, and shows us His deep desire to be close to us, part of our lives. I talk about the ways in which the coming year will prove challenging and difficult for us, and how we can mitigate those challenges by focusing on what it is that God wants from us.
Above all, I bring you a message of hope, faith, and love - the eternal love of the most mighty God. Let us all glory in His love for us, and do our best to incorporate Him into our lives, because that is what He wants from us.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Domain Query: Tick Tock BOOM
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
This episode of Domain Query is in response to an excellent question from reader G W on my Didactic Mind Telegram channel. The question related to the possibility of an American debt default, and the consequences thereof. Essentially, I was asked: "what would be the results of a US default?"
The short answer is that it would be an unmitigated catastrophe, the likes of which we have never, ever seen before. But that does not actually explain the true scale and size of the problem. To do that, you have to look at the actual history of the US dollar, and why it is a debt-based currency. You also have to understand something about the international linkages of the global economy, and the pervasive influence and power of American Treasury bonds. Once you get some idea of just how much the world depends on US debt for all sorts of purposes, you will then understand why an American default will literally collapse the entire global economy.
I go into these subjects, and much more, in the podcast here.
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;