
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep. 49: Have No Fear
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This podcast may be perhaps the most important that I've recorded so far. It is all about fighting the mind-crippling fear that has overtaken all of us thanks to the Chinese Mumps. I provide some understanding of what has happened, why the fear is overblown, what you can do to fight it, and where and how there is reason for hope.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep. 48: One Little Victory
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
In this week's podcast, I talk about hope and victory against two of the greatest threats that we face in the modern world - Communism and Islam - and how they can both be defeated through action and faith.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep. 47: The Nameless One
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This week, I start off by discussing the latest news from the SCOTUS, with the passing of Justice Ginsburg, and the likely ramifications thereof. I then segue into a topic that I mentioned in the Domain Query podcast from earlier in the week, looking at the likely identity of the historical Muhammad, the "prophet" of Islam.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep. 46: From 4GW to 0GW
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This week's podcast is all about 4th Generation Warfare as applied on the streets of America, following the assassination of a Trump supporter in the streets of Portland.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep. 45: Immigration = War
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
I talk about how immigration inevitably leads to war, and why and how this applies to the current state of affairs in the USA.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep. 44: One Man, One Book, Pt. 2
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
In the second part of my synthesis of the investigations into the origins of Islam, I delve into the historical "prophet" Muhammad of Islam, and look at the evidence that shows pretty conclusively that the man as described in Islamic traditions simply could not have existed.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 43: One Man, One Book, Pt. 1
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This week's podcast is all about the origins of Islam and whether or not the canonical story about the Koran can be trusted. It contains a lot of interesting information that I've assembled from various sources, both written and audio-visual, and I've provided full attributions in the podcast itself.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 42: Life, the Universe, and Everything
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This week's episode takes a bit more of an introspective look at how to take full responsibility for your life, accept your failures, address them, and execute rapid and life-altering changes that will transform you from a weak child into a fearless leader and adult.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 41: Poison is the Cure
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This week's talk is all about the pharmaceutical industry and how it is both a great boon and a terrible curse upon all of us.
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Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 40: The New Cold War
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This week is all about economics, politics, and history, and concerns the new Cold War being fought right now between the USA and China. In this podcast, I argue that Cold War 2 can actually be won pretty easily by the USA, and that China has some serious economic, structural, and military problems that will stop it from reaching regional and global dominance. I view the current situation through the lens of history, looking at the previous Cold War between the USA and the USSR, and I talk about the lessons that we need to learn from the way that St. Reagan Magnus of the Right won the Cold War.
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