
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Domain Query: Blood Guilt
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Reader and friend JohnC posed a VERY long comment with a question buried in there... somewhere... about whether or not Pontius Pilate was guilty of condemning Jesus Christ to death, and whether he felt any guilt about casting out Our Lord to His death. I decided to take a stab at answering this via a Domain Query.

Friday Nov 13, 2020
Domain Query: It's a Saturnalia Miracle!
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Longtime reader and friend of the blog Kapios pitched in with some interesting questions to my Pesach post:
Do you follow any particular denomination or do you think denominations is a divide and conquer tactic?
Also what do you make of the Easter and Christmas holidays in terms of ancient pagan customs?Is this a coincidence or some sort of myth to dismiss?
It's been a little while since I did a Domain Query podcast, so here is my answer at length. I do go chase a few rabbits down their holes, but that's pretty normal for me:.

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Domain Query: Hope and Faith
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
While there is no specific reader question that prompted this particular podcast, I wanted to take some time to give thanks to those who have offered prayers on my behalf and for my family. To be clear - everyone's fine, it's all good, but thanks to the very stupid decisions taken by the government of the country that issues my passport, a lot of people, including my folks, have been left high and dry with minimal guidance on how to get basic needs.
I also wanted to take some time to address the veritable tsunami of bullshit and misinformation that the lying whorenalists of the mainstream (((media))) are putting out there in order to keep us all afraid and compliant. Don't listen to them, because the reality is far better than any of us thought initially.
Most importantly, I want everyone who listens to this to take away a message of hope.
We're going to get through this. Have faith in your Lord, your families, your friends, and yourselves. We will be OK in the end.
Read the site, support my work, and remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe so that you never miss a new video!

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Domain Query: The Creature from Jekyll Island
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Longtime reader and friend of the blog Kapios had a very interesting question for me from Monday's compilation of amazeballs awesomesauce:
I wish Trump went after the Central Bank as hard as he obliterated the Demoncrats. Baby steps I guess, but since he pressured the Fed director to print more, I don't see this happening. Unless he plans to print money that actually belongs to the government. Someone did this a long time ago and he 'killed the central bank so hard that it took them 70 years to recover' to quote a documentary about the Fed.
I don't know how informed you are about the inner workings of the Central Banks, but if you have time to research and make a post one day, I would appreciate it deeply. I still never fully understood their system if I'm honest.
I decided to answer it at length using a podcast, as I think my voice is probably rather more animated and less dry than my writing on the subject can ever be.
Read my site, support my work, and remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe so that you never miss a new upload!

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Domain Query: Слава Славянам!
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Reader Sardaukar had an interesting question for me from a few weeks back related to an offhand comment that I made in my post about the possible futures for the Western world:
“Having lived among and dealt with Slavic peoples for a decent chunk of time, I can tell you from personal experience that while they are a fun bunch, and they are quite intelligent, and their women are absolutely stunning, they are NOT really compatible with Western Europeans and their descendants”.
Just curious Didact. Why do you think that the Slavic’s are not really compatible with Western Euros and descendants? Inquiring minds want to know!🙂
I decided to do something a bit different in answering this question, and did so by using a podcast.
Read my site, support my work, and remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe so that you never miss a new upload!

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 54: Death Before Dishonour
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
We're back to politics full-swing in this week's podcast, and I have to say that the disaster that was the Presidential election earlier on in the week had my blood boiling. Hence my rather trenchant and pointed remarks about the never-to-be-sufficiently-cursed whorenalists and presstitutes of the lying (((media))), Jared Kushner, the traitorous generals and admirals in the military that inhabit the Five-Sided Wind Tunnel, and the spineless Republicucks.
Venom-spitting aside, the outcome of this year's Presidential election was, indeed, a disaster, though not quite in the ways that some might expect. I break it all down in this week's podcast - the failed predictions, the collapsed leads for the Daemoncrats, the utter corruption in the (((media))) and Big Tech, the stench of sulphur from the Biden campaign, and much more:.
Read my site, support my work, and remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe so that you never miss a new upload!

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 53: The Forgemaster
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
With the great election just a few days away, I give my thoughts about the chaos that will happen in the aftermath, regardless of who wins. I explain the purpose behind the chaos and the tests that are to come. I look at the ways in which you can prepare for them. And I provide reason for hope and faith in the midst of the carnage that will definitely come along.
Read my site, support my work, and remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe so that you never miss a new upload!

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep. 52: Surrender is Not a Strategy
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
In this week's podcast episode, I discuss the PUA and MGTOW movements within the Manosphere, and offer my thoughts as to why what they are selling is not good for young men today.
Read my site, support my work, and remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe so that you never miss a new upload!

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep. 51: The Darwinian Devolution
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This week's podcast is all about evolution and the (huge) problems with the current Neo-Darwinian Synthesis and provides some basic mathematical analysis to give the hapless evolutions something to shoot for.
Read my site, support my work, and remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe so that you never miss a new upload!

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep. 50: Interview with LTC Tom Kratman
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
This week marks a special milestone - 50 episodes of any podcast are a pretty good collection, especially when they are each an hour long or more. I'm not saying they're ALL gems, because they're NOT - I have at least enough self-awareness to know full well that my rants can be hit-or-miss - but evidently people do like what I have to say. So marking the 50th such podcast would of course require something interesting.
And through a very fortunate combination of events, we have today's 50th-episode podcast, which consisted of an interview with one Tom Kratman.
What you will find here is actually "only" the recorded part of a much longer conversation on Zoom - we were talking for nearly 2.5hrs, I think, and it was a fascinating discussion. I learned a lot of things that I'd never known before about the military, politics, history, and various other topics, and it's my privilege to share them with you through this podcast.
MANY thanks to Tom Kratman for graciously lending a big chunk of his time to allow some random shlemiel on the internet to interview him at such length, and for his continued patronage of this blog. As you will hear toward the end of the interview, he has a HUGE number of writing projects on his plate right now, so do keep an eye out for those books to drop in the near future.
Read my site, support my work, and remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe so that you never miss a new upload!