
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Didactic Mind, Ep 62: Tumble and Turn
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life,[a] and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
-- John 1:1-5, English Standard Version
Happy New Year to all. Since it's only a couple of days to Sunday, I figured I would make a podcast today instead of Sunday, similar to the way I did things on Christmas. And today's podcast is all about the need to "tumble and turn" through the darkness of the past year and toward the light.
That phrase, "tumble and turn", was coined by a true Dark Knight, Ivan Throne, whose book, The Nine Laws, is in my opinion essential reading for all men who seek to harness ruthless Purpose and achieve great things in life. It applies perfectly as we go through 2021. In this podcast, I explain:
How 2020 was the crucible in which lies were burned away;
Why the Year from Hell was actually a huge gift in a number of areas, and pointed us toward the Truths of our time;
What YOU can do, starting today, to make the most of this year;
As I stated to my email subscribers - if you have not subscribed to my mailing list already, do so right here - this is how you can get on with your True Purpose this year:
Create a plan. A goal without a plan is nothing more than a wish. This is useless. You might as well resolve to create a business based on selling fairy dust and unicorn farts. If you want to achieve something, PLAN IT OUT. Setup specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART - yes, that's a bizblab acronym, but it works here) goals and set aside time every week to work on them.
Point yourself unerringly at the truth. You won't get it from the never-to-be-sufficiently-cursed whorenalists and presstittutes of the mainstream (((media))), obviously. But if you look for alternative views where you can find them, you will find the information you search for. By necessity, you will have to filter through lots of nonsense. But, think of it this way: you used to rely on the (((media))) to tell you the truth. Now you have to use your own brain. Which do you suppose is healthier for you?
Do not bother with the opinions of those who seek to demoralise you. I got into a huge row with a member of my own family just before the New Year over certain inconvenient and unpleasant "alternative facts" that I spread about General Tso's Chicken Pox. I know why it happened. My bias is toward hope and action. That person's bias is toward fear and lassitude. Your bias informs your worldview. Acknowledge your bias. Respect the right of others to hold a different point of view - but don't EVER let that view get in your way.
Seek out allies wherever possible. If you had told me 8 years ago that I would still be writing and blogging in 2021, and that my writing would reach thousands of people around the world, I would have laughed at you. But I found allies in my journey toward the truth. Some are good friends now. Look for help and you will often find it in the most unexpected of places.
Pray often and hard for help. Again, remember that you were not given a spirit of fear. But that does not mean that fear has no hold over you. Of course it does. The only way to fight it is to rely on a Power infinitely greater and mightier than you, that loves you beyond your capacity to experience love. You will need help in doing what you want to do this year. Ask for it, and you will find it given to you in strange ways and stranger places. But you do need to ASK.
Above all, never forget that no matter how dark times become, the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. The darkness will NEVER overcome it - not as long as men stand firm in defence of all that is true.
References cited in the podcast:
Here is the paper that calls into question the Eurosurveillance (yes, seriously, that's the name of the journal that published it) Corman-Drosten paper;
The false positives generated by the application of RT-PCR testing to COVID-19 are real and severe;
Dr. Pierre Kory testified before a Senate panel about the effectiveness of ivermectin as a prophylactic treatment for the Kung Flu;
If you are a resident of PommieBastardLande (i.e. the UK) and you are sick of supporting the Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation, then you don't have to do so - you can stop paying your license fee and they can't do ONE SINGLE DAMNED THING to stop you if you don't use their services;

Friday Dec 25, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 61: One Bright Star to GuideThem
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
May the peace and blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, brothers and sisters. Today's podcast is all about the miracle of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the meaning and power of that miracle in our miracle-denying modern age. I cover a whole range of topics in this podcast:
The "Saturnalia" myth, which I addressed in much greater detail in a previous Domain Query podcast (and it was Kapios that asked the question - sorry dude);
The "impossible conundrum" that God solved through the Immaculate Conception and birth of Jesus;
My absolute contempt and utter hatred for the lukewarm blasphemies of "progressive" Christianity - you might need to lower the volume a little for that bit;
Some concepts introduced through my reading of C. S. Lewis's classic apologetic work, Mere Christianity, which I cannot recommend strongly enough despite its evident flaws;
A look through various passages in Scripture that demonstrate the kind of King that Jesus Christ really was - and is;
A comparison between Jesus's teachings and The Way of Walking Alone by Miyamoto Musashi to show that Jesus was a hard man teaching a hard path - a warrior's path;
Looking at waging war in the spiritual realm in a way that we might understand through Dr. Michael Heiser's breakdown of "the Upside Down" in Netflix's hit series Stranger Things;
... and quite a lot more besides. This one is a dense podcast, and deliberately so, since I deal with a lot of serious issues. But the core of it lies in a sincere appreciation of what Christmas is and why it is so important.
By the way, the title of this podcast does not come only from the story of the Three Kings who journeyed under the guidance of a bright star to pay homage to the newborn King. It also comes from the superb novella and short-story collection by the greatest living Grandmaster of science fiction, John C. Wright. Unfortunately, I cannot actually find the book on sale anywhere - I think the author yanked it from publication. I have no idea why, because it truly is wonderful. I would kill for a mere one-tenth of the writing talent that Mr. Wright has.
As always, remember to like, share, comment, and subscribe either at the site or on Podbean itself.
And, most importantly - MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 60: The Eye of the Storm
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
This week's podcast is all about the feeling that many of us have that something really big is coming at us. The past year has been full of immensely difficult challenges, and most of us have felt drained and weakened by the trials that we have had to endure at some point or another. In this podcast, I review some of the many, MANY lies that we have been told over the past year, and I offer up some thoughts about what is coming and why you need to prepare yourself for it. I end on a message of hope and faith as Christmas approaches, so that you can understand how to get through a 2021 that is almost certain to be even worse than 2020 was.
Some links and points of interest:
If you have never read Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, be sure to pick up a copy TODAY, because it really is perhaps the easiest and yet most wonderfully written short book of apologetics that you will ever experience;
As I mentioned in the podcast, now is a great time to get yourself a proper VPN client - either Goose VPN if you just want a simple and straightforward client, or Surfshark if you want the hands-down best-value VPN package out there;
Turns out that I was wrong - you CAN find the video of Google's leaked internal video, "The Selfish Ledger", on YouTube itself;
The Danish mask study that had to be re-written three times to become more suitable for politically correct publication can be found here;
The original Corman-Drosten paper that made RT-PCR testing popular around the world has now been retracted because it turns out to have been based on a whole lot of bad data and assumptions;
As if all of THAT wasn't enough, there MIGHT be some reason to think that the Pfizer vaccine is actually REALLY FREAKIN' DANGEROUS;
Read the site here, support my work here, and get your Christmas shopping done through Amazon (and support me in the process) through some of my affiliate links - nothing says "Happy Christmas!" quite like a Kershaw folding knife, as far as I'm concerned.

Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 59: Burning Books and Burning Truths
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
Sunday Dec 13, 2020
This week's episode is once again about Islam and Christianity, and the vast contrast between the two on the subject of Scriptural inerrancy. Muslims have long claimed that the New Testament is corrupted and that our Christian revelations are therefore unreliable. This is nonsense and I show exactly why. I then move on to examine the claims that Muslims make about the inerrancy and reliability of their own Koranic scriptures, and I show, based on their own sources and historical evidence uncovered in the last few years, that there is nothing "eternal, revealed, complete, and unchanging" about their Koran.
I cite a number of different videos and YouTube channels that you can use to educate yourself on these fascinating subjects. I will provide a full list of supporting materials - insofar as I can collect them all, because the list of such things is enormous - down below.
This podcast is now live on Google Podcasts, Apple iTunes, Spotify, and now Pandora as well. So be sure to like, share, comment, and subscribe on your platform of choice!
Videos and channels to watch:
Dr. Daniel Wallace on how much and how badly the scribes corrupted the New Testament;
Dr. Frank Turek with his brilliant "God's Blockchain" argument about the many manuscripts of the New Testament;
Dr. Jay Smith explains the huge problems with the qira'ats and the rasm manuscripts that show the complete nonsense of the "inerrancy" claim that Muslims constantly make;
Pastor Anthony Rogers debates Dr. Shabir Ally - actually he completely DESTROYED him - on, among other things, the supposed "contradictions" in the New Testament about the Christology of Jesus Christ;
Dr. David Wood shows how Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi flatly contradicts himself on the issue of Koranic preservation;
More videos here, here, here, and here from various Christian apologetics channels showing similar contradictions in Islamic texts and beliefs;
Unrelated - in case anyone is interested, here is the video that I referenced right at the beginning about a drug called ivermectin which apparently has exceptional prophylactic properties against the Kung Flu;
Put simply, the idea that the Koran was perfectly preserved is arrant nonsense. The challenge to Muslims is straightforward:
If you claim that your Koran was perfectly preserved from 634 AD onwards, then SHOW IT TO US. Show us ONE Koranic manuscript, dating back to the time of Uthman - we'll give you Uthman, we won't even make you go to the time of Abu Bakr - that consists of 114 surahs, that is exactly the same in every way as your current Hafs text.
If you cannot do this - then stop making this absurd claim.
And if you find yourself questioning your faith - come on home. We have exactly what you're looking for. You want a revelation that is eternal, sent down, complete, and unchanged.
We Christians have Him. His name is Jesus Christ, King of Kings and LORD.
So come on back. Come on home. Come to Jesus Christ.

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Domain Query: The Kosher Kali
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
In this latest edition of the Domain Query series, I answer an interesting set of points posed by reader Johnny in a comment on an unrelated post:
See here :https://www.unz.com/article/hate-filled-hindu-priti-patel-is-sycophantic-to-jews-psychopathic-to-whites/
While I have come to conclude that Indian immigration to the US is a net negative (I used to think all skilled immigration that earns above the national average income is a plus as long as they aren’t Muslim terrorists), a lot of White Trashionalists have gone further.
The above article is pretty extreme, and goes too far. The author hates even ‘right wing’ Indians like Priti Patel and Nikki Haley, due to their support of Israel (as if almost 100% of white politicians don’t do the same). The author also conflates a lot of other things falsely, by saying that since India is the ‘rape capital of the world’, Indian immigration means tons of rapes in the US.
Muslim Pakistanis in Rotherham are one thing, but I don’t know of a single non-Muslim Indian in the West raping a woman here (and I doubt Indian men are strong enough to overpower a non-Indian woman in the first place). He also thinks that even elite tech Indians are 3 days away from shitting on the streets.
That, of course, goes too far. But I wanted your opinion on the article and comments for an accurate assessment of what is and is not valid. I believe that you are probably the most fairminded person on such topics.
White Trashionalists are the dregs of the white population for sure. No wonder the ‘community’ is 100% male and has a lot of gay men.
So I had a go at answering these points, at some length. There are three major issues to hit:
Whether Priti Patel is a pleasant person to work for - my guess is, probably not, but I don't have any direct evidence and I think that Mr. Langdon probably goes way too far in his screed;
Whether the Israel Lobby has too much influence and power in Britain - in my view, they do, and that's not a good thing, and Jews in Europe and the UK need to understand that they are wearing out their welcome very quickly, and they should apply their considerable energies and skills in making the great country of Israel even greater;
Whether Indian immigration to the First World is a good thing - as far as I'm concerned, the answer is an unequivocal NO, but I provide more context and in a rather different tone from Mr. Langdon;
Here are some other resources to read and consider on these three points:
I referenced an article about a civil servant who left the Home Office under a cloud due to his repeated rows with the Home Secretary, Ms Patel. He's not the only one, as it turns out, and Ms Patel's behaviour is cited as the reason why there is significant turnover at the top of the Home Office. Given the kinds of Swamp Creatures who inhabit those posts, that is not a Bad Thing at all in my view.
I talked at some length about Boris Berezovskiy, the Russian Jewish oligarch who basically said that every Jew's first allegiance is to Israel. Here's a long article about how one Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - or, as we call him, the Neo-Tsar - rose to power, in which that specific point is raised repeatedly.
Mr. Langdon's article references an article from The Guardian that says that rape is a runaway problem in India and it is the world's most dangerous country for women. That is BALDERDASH. Here's an article from a couple of years ago that puts India in its proper context. India is definitely not a good place for women, but it's FAR from the worst.
Finally, with respect to the point that Johnny makes above about the implication that even India's tech elites are just a few steps away from defecating in the streets... that actually isn't so far-fetched. For reference, check out this lengthy article from Richard Grenier called "The Gandhi that Nobody Knows" - here is the money quote:
When Gandhi attended his first Indian National Congress he was most distressed at seeing the Hindus—not laborers but high-caste Hindus, civic leaders—defecating all over the place, as if to pay attention to where the feces fell was somehow unclean. (For, as V.S. Naipaul puts it, in a twisted Hindu way it is unclean to clean. It is unclean even to notice. “It was the business of the sweepers to remove excrement, and until the sweepers came, people were content to live in the midst of their own excrement.”)
Draw your own conclusions from that, really.
In summary, Mr. Langdon's article does go too far in several areas. But SOME of what he says is indeed valid.

Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 58: Operation MINDCRIME
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
This week's episode is all about ranting against the never-to-be-sufficiently-cursed whorenalists and presstitutes of the mainstream (((media))). I talk about many topics, including:
Shout-outs to my friends Adam Piggott and Last Redoubt for their excellent contributions to this side of the 'Sphere of late;
Thanks to Men of the West for taking up my articles and featuring them;
References to easily the best QUEENSRYCHE album of all time;
The nature of the (((media))) and why it has always been partisan;
The evil that the (((media))) currently represents, and why the notion of "impartiality" is so ridiculous;
My unfiltered and very honest thoughts about exactly what to do with most "journalists" these days;
Exactly why the (((media))) lie to you and the sinister purpose behind those lies;
What you can do in an age of (((media))) lies and bullshit to protect yourself from their predations;
Oh, I found that clip via Bill Whittle of that whorenalist on Charlie Rose's show talking about how the (((media))) were biased in favour of John Kerry and gave him about a 15-point lead in the polls just because of their blatant electioneering.
As always, please like, share, comment, and subscribe to the podcast, and make sure that you sign up for my email list if you have not done so already.

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 57: The Rods and the Ax
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
This week's podcast episode touches on many subjects, ranging from Robert A. Heinlein's controversial classic military sci-fi novel, STARSHIP TROOPERS, to the Beer Bug, to the nature of rights and responsibilities. I discuss a lot of different points here:
Why STARSHIP TROOPERS is such a brilliant book, and why everyone should read it;
The 12 "Juvenile" novels that Heinlein wrote:
Rocket Ship Galileo
Space Cadet
Red Planet
The Rolling Stones
Farmer in the Sky
Between Planets
Starman Jones
The Star Beast
Tunnel in the Sky
Time for the Stars
Citizen of the Galaxy
Have Space Suit, Will Travel
The truth about the Coof and the statistics behind it:
Actual CDC mortality statistics indicating that 99% of those under 70 will survive just fine;
The GIGANTIC and glaring mathematical error, made by CDC researchers, that caused all of this insanity in the first place;
The latest gold-standard Danish RCT study that concludes that there is no statistically significant effect in infection rates between people who do and do not wear masks;
The real science behind whether or not masks work at stopping influenza and similar viruses from being transmitted among populations;
The impact of giving the vote to anyone without regard to who earned it and who didn't:
How government spending was affected by giving women the vote;
Cumulative net fiscal impact per capita by gender and age from New Zealand government data from 2010 shows that women are net drains on the public fisc, while men are net contributors;
And yes, I was originally right, the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution gave women the right to vote.
I also wrote a few posts on this subject a few years ago that are worth reading. The most important one is about rights and responsibilities, written all the way back in 2013.
Remember to rate, comment, and subscribe here, and be sure to subscribe to my mailing list as well!

Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 56: God's Not Dead
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
Sunday Nov 22, 2020
This week's episode is a wide-ranging one, in which I cover a number of different topics:
The current state of the utterly corrupted 2020 electile dysfunction in the USA and Vox Day's enigmatic yet upbeat response to the current demoralisation and gaslighting campaigns from the traitorous (((media)));
The powerful forces on the move in the world and outside of it, inspired by a quote from Ronald Reagan's legendary 1964 RNC speech;
The irrationality of atheism and the lack of any objective atheistic moral code, based on Q&A sessions featuring an atheist named Cody and Christian apologist Dr. Frank Turek;
The holes in the arguments made by otherwise brilliant thinkers like Bertrand Russel in his essay, "Why I Am Not a Christian", and the issues with his facts and logic;
Evidence for the actual events depicted in the Bible, as presented in documentaries like Patterns of Evidence: Exodus;
The perfection of morality that we can find within the Bible through sources such as the Ten Commandments;
The nature of the spiritual war that we find ourselves fighting right now;
... and plenty more.
Be sure to like, comment, review, share, and subscribe so that you never miss a new upload!

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Domain Query: Love Lies Bleeding
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Reader ReactionaryTeen had a long comment to add to my recent post about killing your inner Gamma male:
I often struggle with thinking I’m a gamma, even though dogs respect me and I have a (kind of) dangerous blue collar job (cutting feral bees out of walls). I’ve started lifting, and I’m 6’+ and hardly overweight. The main source of my self-perceived gammatude is, as with a lot of guys, my dealing with women. I am what scripture would call “slow of speech and tongue.” I used to have a minor speech impediment as a kid/young teen. I’m over it now, and have taken public speaking classes so now I can talk to customers and platonic friends with no problems, but the instant I think of talking to a moderately attractive female my tongue locks up and I practically run away to avoid embarrassing myself. I honestly think I just need more practice. I was raised in a Christian homeschooling family, and while I have a head start on college (junior at 19) and a $100/hr job working with my father, I have had almost zero experience talking to girls I’m interested in. In addition to this, the church we attend is relatively small and the only girl there who I’d consider a good catch is currently in a very serious courtship with my twin brother (on the plus side, that tells me I’m not physically unattractive). The close second (physically, anyway) is on a prayer list (and meds) for cutting herself. Obviously not wife material. Any suggestions as to how I can improve my social skills with women and also find any I’d consider? I think my problem is legitimately lack of exposure. I thought about going to my college’s Christian group or whatever, but the rainbow flag pins some of them wore obviously nixed that idea.
I provide some ideas about how to get past the fear of talking to girls in this podcast, such as:
Learning from Adam Piggott's 28 Traits of the Modern Man;
Gaining insights from Richard Grannon's superb lecture at the 21 Convention;
Changing or dropping your college major outright;
Gaining social value and proof;
Concentrating on your mission, rather than on girls;
There's plenty to digest in this podcast, so be sure to listen all the way through.
Oh, and as I mentioned - this podcast is now available on a number of major podcasting services:
Apple iTunes
Google Podcasts
Be sure to subscribe to the podcast, like, share, and comment, if you use any of those services.

Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Didactic Mind, Ep 55: Ye Reap What Ye Sow
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
This week's episode is all about the lies that have seduced us and are now destroying us. I talk about the realities of the world around us, such as:
The fact that Donald Trump WON the election on Nov 3 but is in serious danger of having it stolen from him;
The reality that the God-Emperor is in some ways his own worst enemy;
The truths about the Kung Flu and its actual dangers to us;
The outright lie that wearing a mask at all times will save you from anything related to the Coof;
Treatments for the Chinese Mumps, which are cheap, readily available, and highly effective;
... and plenty more besides.
Furthermore, I encourage listeners to embrace the hard reality that we, ourselves, are responsible for our current situation. And I provide clear, actionable advice to help you get over the oppressive climate of fear, suppression, despair, and helplessness that threatens to overwhelm us all.
Links, supporting evidence, and further reading:
Article from Joel S. Hirschhorn at The Unz Review that links to a number of case studies and doctor testimonies about the efficacy of HCQ;
Scientific evidence from actual RCT data showing that masks do little to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19;
Graphs of confirmed positive COVID cases with trackers showing when mask mandates were put in place - which show that those mandates are completely useless;
The widely-touted studies that claim that wearing masks DOES stop the spread of the virus are absurdly flawed and at least one of them had to be retracted;
Here is the regression analysis showing a correlation coefficient (r-squared) of 0.02 (2%) between infectiousness and mask-wearing;
Statistical evidence indicating massive electoral fraud;
Problems with Dominion voting machines used in multiple key counties in swing states;
Book reference - The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy - What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America's Next Rendezvous with Destiny by William Strauss and Neil Howe;
Read the site, support my work, subscribe to my email list, and above all, keep your head up and keep fighting.