
16 minutes ago
Domain Query: Original Sin
16 minutes ago
16 minutes ago
LRFotS JohnC911 had an interesting open-ended question about Scripture, starting with Genesis 3, particularly focused on the nature and role of the serpent that tempted Eve:
Hey Didactic, I have a question for you?Since you believe in Jesus Christ is the Son of God
What are your thoughts on Genesis 3?
Even if you don’t believe it, the enemies do believe this story though they think eating the fruit was the right thing. The fruit of Knowledge of Good and Evil they say free the Human mind. Though as Christian I could not disagree with them more. Such knowledge is not needed when you are present of God and given enteral life. Also it has corrupt us.
Interesting The very 1st question asked in the Bible, is asked by the serpent. Questioning and lying about God words
Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? – Genesis 3:1 KJV
The second part of what the Serpent said next is an another 2 lies.
Gensis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. KJV
It is a good set of questions that deserves some serious unpacking, particularly with respect to the implications of Genesis 3 for literally the entire history of Creation. So I tackle it as such, in a new episode of Domain Query, that tackles multiple subjects related to what the Scripture says - both at the surface level, and at a much deeper and more profound one.
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If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously…)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Domain Query: Risk vs Reward
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Today's query comes from LRFotS Randale6, who has a rather interesting and very germane set of questions about the reasons why lower-ranked men in the SSH choose high-probability poor-quality outcomes, over lower-probability (thus riskier) but higher-quality potential outcomes. Here is the question set:
Two questions.
First is why do gammas/deltas pedestalize one woman to the exclusion of all others? As noted in this post on Vox's Sigma Game substack the erstwhile gamma had done quite well for himself. Yet he still fixated on one woman, ignoring what his position would have allowed him to achieve elsewhere (accounting businesses can be rendered remote in 3, 2, 1... presto) in the world.
Second and closely related to the first is... why don't we see more gammas and deltas just hightailing it into their own solo/small scale enterprises? If the hierarchy is just going to shit all over you why bother with it when you can go your own path as many accountants and mechanics do?
The answer has to do with the risk and reward appetites of the various ranks. It should come as absolutely no surprise that the further up the hierarchy you go, the higher your appetite for risk is. As such, lower-ranked males, like Deltas and especially Gammas, are unable to stomach risks, for psychological reasons, and routinely and observably fail to take calculated risks that would actually be highly beneficial for them.
I outline my reasoning and my answers in today's (perhaps mercifully shorter) podcast.
For reference, here is Our Beloved and Dreaded Supreme Dark Lord (PBUH) Voxemort the Most Malevolent and Terrible, explaining the SSH.
Support the War College
If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously…)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Friday Jan 10, 2025
Domain Query: Clown College degrees
Friday Jan 10, 2025
Friday Jan 10, 2025
Despite being stricken with what feels like (but isn’t… probably) bird flu, I finally managed to get around to addressing a rather interesting query from LRFotS Randale6, who wrote in to ask about the monumental illiteracy and idiocy of Clown World:
Didact, looking into the history of commies and world war two I find this, the death of Patton is essentially a commie masterminded assassination (nearly killed by a cart two times before the third attempt finally does it, across two continents). At least from what I was reading on Unz Patton had planned to do a political tour of America to expose communism and push the population to both oust the commies at home (FDR and his cronies were effing commies, where is Pinochet when you need him) and finish off the Soviet Union while it still lacked nukes.
This brings up a question in my mind, are the clowns as historically and politically illiterate as we think they are or do they actually have a clue? On the face of it the hollowing out of the USA military doesn't make sense at all for a bunch of neocons hellbent on world domination. It does make sense though if those clowns don't think they can take over the world, rather they want to ensure that nothing domestically can pull a Caesar or Pinochet on their cockroach asses.
The short version is: yes, they are that stupid. In fact, they are far more stupid than you can imagine.
The longer version is, of course, in the podcast below. In it, I unpack this issue through an exploration of the ways in which Clown World denizens think. I have made a few simplifying assumptions, which are not actually particularly strong, starting with the notion that you can equate “clown world” with “neoclowns”, as they are basically one and the same (barring some minor factional differences).
From that point, I examine the reality that neoclowns are astonishingly poorly educated, given their backgrounds in non-mathematical subjects that provide them with no intellectual toolkit whatsoever to permit an understanding of the true factors of military, economic, and political power. Using the Ossipov-Lanchester Equations as a starting point, I explain how no neoclown can possibly comprehend the complexities involved even with a relatively simple set of ordinary differential equations.
I then use a recent article from arch-neoclown (and, evidently, Krispy Kreme enthusiast) Robert Kagan, one of the intellectual (*snerk*) leaders of the movement, to show just how fundamentally RETARDED these people are. This is the bit of the podcast where you can practically hear me doing my best to physically restrain myself, because his writing is a perfect example of the blithering idiocy and total incompetence of the neoclown paradigm.
I wrap up by explaining that the reason why Clown World (which is to say, neoclown world) is so historically inept and stupid, is because their founding premise is completely wrong. They see America as an idea, not a nation, and because of this, they have zero connection to the American nation, and therefore to the inherent limitations that confront any nation which sponsors an empire.
Reading List
Randale6's Substack;
The Russian Art of War by Col. Jacques Baud - superb book, very highly recommended;
America's Final War by Andrei Martyanov - I got the name of the book wrong in the podcast, I mentioned Disintegration, which was his PREVIOUS book, my bad;
The blindingly stupid article from Robert Kagan that got me all bothered in the podcast, to the point where I had to somehow restrain myself from yelling incoherently into the microphone;
Support the War College
If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously…)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Didactic Mind, Ep 121: A Time For Renewal
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
Sunday Jan 05, 2025
The very first podcast of 2025 is up, in which I talk through some of the lessons learned in the preceding year, and some of the possible outcomes these lessons will dictate in the current one. I discuss how the fall of the Syrian Arab Republic has completely reshaped the Middle East's geopolitical landscape, and how the Banderastan War has fundamentally changed the dynamics in Europe. I talk about how we are, in many ways, returning to a non-Westphalian approach to relationships between states and governments, and how the conflicts of 2024 proved the total bankruptcy of the so-called "rules-based international order". I close with a call for a return to what truly works and makes sense, and end on a hopeful note with a prayer, as befits a podcast for the start of the year.
Admittedly, this was perhaps not one of my more on-point podcasts - I am battling some sort of viral infection, which seems to be similar to a milder version of the Coof, and it still has not worked its way out of my system. On top of that, I had to deal with a very nasty, though mercifully short-lived, bout of food poisoning while I was on holiday. So let us just say, it has not been the smoothest start to the year. Therefore, I ask for your patience if the podcast itself seems a bit meandering and off-topic at times.
As always, like, comment, share, and subscribe - especially to the Telegram channel, if you have not done so already.
Support the War College
If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously…)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Didactic Mind, Ep 120: Neoclown World
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
The Didactic Mind podcast is finally BACK, after a hiatus of some 7 months, with a new episode discussing the motivations and rationale behind neoclown thinking. In this episode, I explain how the various chaotic events springing up all over the world - the collapse of the Assad government in Syria, the attempted coup in South Korea, the attempts to mount a Maidan Revolution in Georgia, the annulment of the first round of Presidential elections in Romania, and most of all, the war in Ukraine - all have a common thread running through them. I explain how neoclownery essentially comes from the true meaning behind a three-word phrase, and I point out how the current generation of neoclowns view Ukraine as central to their entire agenda for global American hegemony. I also unpack the reasons why that hegemony simply cannot hold, and why the other nations of the world have no interest in living under it.
Support the War College
If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously…)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Domain Query: Asian Girls
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
It has been QUITE a while since we last did a proper podcast - first I was busy, then I was stupidly busy, then I was on vacation, and then I was (and still am) sick. But nothing gets older than an excuse, so let us crack on with a great set of questions from LRFotS JohnC911:
Hey Didactic, I hope you are doing well my friend.
I have a few questions
On the subject of China demographics. If a Chinese government ask you could put any suggestions on what solutions what might you list?Also do you think Christianity if adopted by the Elites and laws enforce, could this help the demographics in the long run?Also why is it that a lot of Chinese women want date or marry non Chinese men? Is demographic a part of the issue, ie too many Chinese men and not enough Chinese women? Could it be as I have hear many cases the mother pushing them to find mostly white men? Mind you it is mainly Chinese women in their late 20s and 30s I have meet, might have to do with not having luck in China they search else where?
I had this Chinese woman in her late 20s at Church, she treated me better than any other woman I have dated. She brought me gifts and write me thank you letters after I took her out on dates, She would say many nice things about me. She would dress very feminine and She loved the Lord and we would talk about the Bible. She has now gotten marriage to a Chinese Husband and I am very happy for her. The next best women was a Korean woman. Also Japanese have been very pleasant to be around and date. Mind you I live in Australia so it is mostly European or Asians here, unless you go to Sydney or Melbourne.
But anyway I don’t know why but I often have better conversations with Asian women, especially north east ones that dress very conservative. Funny things is that they don’t get angry when I talk to them about Jesus and God. So many White women get angry on the topic and especially emotional. Maybe it is the pill, Korean women (3%), Japanese (0.9%), Chinese (14%) vs Australian (40%) probably higher for whites since many non white do not take it, English (45%) and American women (64%). It could also be IQ, on average North East Asians are higher than whites (mind you the White Europeans in Europe it is about the same).
I am coming to Europe soon, I am dating a few women while I am over there. What are your thoughts on Swedish, Swiss, English, Polish and/or Bulgarian women (less than 3% on the Pill, and fewest Covid shots)? Do you think any other countries I should explore?
That is a good meaty set of questions to answer. Let us carry on, then:.
Support the War College
If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously…)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Domain Query: Goldbugging
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
Saturday Jun 15, 2024
The Domain Query series is back, with a new episode inspired by a (lengthy) request from LRFotS Randale6, about how to achieve some degree of fiscal and geographical independence from the long, and increasingly corrupt and decrepit, arm of Uncle Shmuel:
By misfortune of my nationality (American) I am faced with a bit of an investment problem, the IRS has a complete and utter hatred of Americans investing in foreign stock markets (to the tune of taxing any capital gains from them at 40%, obliterating any gains from compound interest).
Once my English teaching stint is over and I transition over to international/bilingual schools I will be making enough money to begin serious investing, but the dollar is something I need to either escape or somehow make up for.
I see the following options but am open to more.
Moving to Russia: Owing to the west's sanctioning of Russia international schools in Russia seem to be having great difficulty with recruiting western teachers (from what I hear at any rate), this means that a less than ideal candidate (such as myself) will be considered, particularly by less than top notch schools.
I am lukewarm to Russia but...a pathway to citizenship that doesn't involve marriage is offered there (I will be blunt, no Natashas, they are not worth the headache), it won't give a flying fuck about the dollar collapsing and with Russian citizenship I can safely invest in their stock market (so long as i don't travel anywhere that has an extradition treaty with the USA).
Option 2 is betting against the USA...with dollars.
Simply put it would be putting money into such things as vanguard index funds that target overseas investments and betting that even if the dollar goes to hell that those investments will skyrocket enough to make up for the difference. I have no clue if this would work at all.
I am of course open to other options, but I am not sure if they even exist or what they are.
I answer this set of questions as follows:
First, I note the availability of the Foreign Earned Income Exemption, which provides for at least a modicum of tax relief for American citizens living abroad;
Then, I discuss what it is like to live in Russia, and in other locations outside the West - it is NOT easy, at all, and those who do it, need to understand what they are getting into;
I talk about the challenges, and opportunities, involved in opening up investment accounts in foreign lands, such as Russia - while it is possible, one needs to be careful about the bureaucracy involved, and be realistic about the challenges as well;
I talk about the interesting and exciting world of emerging alternative investments, such as digital currencies and stablecoins, and traditional ways of diversifying your currency exposure, like precious metals and cash;
One point I should have mentioned, but forgot, is that the demand for foreign English-speaking teachers in Russia is actually rapidly declining - while interest in those speaking Chinese or Asian languages, is spiking. This is because of Russia's rapid shift toward a true Eurasian posture. It is worth keeping this in mind - Russia is not an easy country to live in, even at the best of times, and nowadays, for foreigners, it is becoming substantially more difficult to enter.
However, I will say this - once you get past a few irritating hurdles, and you bother to take the time and learn the language, life in Russia can be quite pleasant, even wonderful, because of the advanced civilisation, culture, and humanity of its people.
Support the War College
If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously…)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Wednesday May 08, 2024
Didactic Mind, Ep 119: The Corroding Empire
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
The latest episode of the Didactic Mind podcast is back, finally, with a look at the collapsing Western empire. I discuss the ways in which the West is getting worse and worse - to the point where Western nations can barely figure out how to keep the lights on and the plumbing working - and how these are very obvious symptoms of late-stage imperial collapse. I discuss the predictions made by what was, honestly, an actual joke book, originally designed to mock the hell out of perhaps the biggest Gamma in the entire world of science fiction today. And I talk about how, if you travel around the rest of the world, "enshittification" is not nearly the problem that it is in the West. The root cause I identify here is the spiritual and moral corruption that has infected the West - and I note that there is simply no way one can VOOOOOOOTE HARRRRRDURRRRR!!! to get out of this mess.
Reading List
Corrosion (The Corroding Empire) by Johann Kalsi
An explanation of "enshittification" by Cory Doctorow
Support the War College
If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously…)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Didactic Mind, Ep 118: The Promise Kept
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Sunday Mar 31, 2024
Rejoice, brothers and sisters, for Christ is Risen! He is with us and between us on this most glorious of days, as we celebrate Easter and the day of His Resurrection. Today we acknowledge in faith and joy the promise that He made to us, and which He kept. In that spirit, I have put together a set of thoughts on the nature of Easter, what it means for us, and why His Hugeness gave us the signs He did. I also talk about the need to read through Scripture to understand His words, and the dangers of ignoring the clear signs of Scripture, and especially of rejecting the Trinity.
Support the War College
If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously…)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;

Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Didactic Mind, Ep 117: The Burning of Rome
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
Saturday Mar 16, 2024
The Didactic Mind podcast is FINALLY back, after a long hiatus due to... well, sheer laziness, mostly, and a real lack of desire to talk about much of the craziness around us. Nonetheless, recent events in the West and Russia have made a podcast necessary to unpack some of the historical and political context behind them. In this episode, I talk about the parallels between the Fall of the Roman Empire, and the very obvious collapse of the FUSA. I discuss how Roman culture, philosophy, and political thought went from Rome, to Byzantium, to Moscow, and how Russia considers itself to be the true guardian of the ancient flame of Graeco-Roman legal philosophy, combined with Christian morality.
I then go into the ways in which the FUSA is falling to the exact same forces that destroyed first the Roman Republic, and then the Roman Empire. I quote the words of one of the Last of the Americans, St. Reagan of the Right, Ronald Magnus himself, to explain how the FUSA has taken a downward course that has doomed it to destruction. And I close with some rather sad words about how the only people who truly understand what America is about to face, are the very people that the neoclowns and GloboHomoPaedoPharisatanists want to exterminate - the Russians.
Support the War College
If you like what I do, and you would like to express your appreciation, please feel free to do so here via my Buy Me a Coffee page. All funds go to upkeep of the site and podcast (well, whatever is left over after buying good Scotch, obviously...)
Protect Yourself From Big Tech
I make some pretty incendiary statements in this podcast, and in most of my podcasts. I can only do so because I take steps to protect myself from the Big Tech companies, and preserve my identity. You need to do the same – this is no longer optional, because if you don’t, the gatekeepers WILL come for your head.
If you don’t know where to start, then I’ve got you covered right here with this post. Here are the specific steps that you can take:
Make sure that your web traffic is safe and protected from prying eyes using a VPN – click here to get a massive 80% OFF on a 24-month subscription with Surfshark;
Be sure also to check out Incogni, the new data and privacy management tool offered by Surfshark, which simply works behind the scenes to ensure that no malign actors can take advantage of your data ever again;
Another solid VPN option for you is Atlas VPN, brought to you by the same company that creates NordVPN;
The best SSD drive that you can get right now, with blazing fast speeds and near-native storage capabilities, is probably the SanDisk Extreme 1TB Portable SSD with NVMe technology – I bought this myself to keep a moving backup of all of my files, it’s the size of a credit card, and it’s absolutely superb;
Build Your Platform
Get yourself a proper domain for your site or business with Namecheap;
Put your site onto a shared hosting service using A2Hosting for the fastest, most secure, and stable hosting platform around – along with unlimited email accounts of unlimited size;
Create beautiful websites with amazing, feature-rich content using Divi from Elegant Themes;
Stand for Western Civilisation
Buy yourself a proper Bible;
Get your Castalia Library books here;
Buy yourself a proper knife for personal defence;